Tree Database

Demonstration version

Tree Record for: Dummy_record

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Unique Tree ID: Dummy_record
Planting Date: 2019-02-31
Genus: Arbor
Species: vitae
Variety: The spice of life
Common Name: a tree
Provenance: Some random seed
Collection: imaginary
Height: 5M
Canopy spread: 3M
Diameter (DBH): 120
Comment: Tree Record for Test purposes
Map Symbol:

Observations (5 )

  • 2019-02-31
    Height: 0
    Comments: Tree planted
  • 2019-03-04
    Height: 1.2
    Comments: seedling has germinated
  • 2019-04-04
    Height: 42
    Comments: It has grown!
  • 2019-04-12
    Height: 100
    Comments: It grew some more!
  • 2019-06-08
    Height: 120
    Comments: ... its still there!
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